Your Migraine Surgery Consultation:

Please fill out the contact form  and maintain a headache log for 4 weeks.

If you wish to schedule a phone consultation (for patients outside of the DFW area) or see us in the office, please send us a short description of your symptoms, your phone number, email address, and your location in the country. Please also refer to the Forms section to complete the required documents prior to your consultation. If you are planning to come in the office, please bring the completed forms with you. Ideally, maintain a headache log for 4 weeks, which can also be found on the site for download. However, this is not necessary for your consult on the phone or the office.

Your first visit with Dr. Amirlak will determine whether you are a good candidate for surgery. If prescreening with BOTOX® or nerve blocks injections is indicated, you will be asked to follow up in several weeks. During this time, it is important to continue maintaining and recording a headache log on where the pain is starting from. In some cases, the trigger point that was injected improves; however, new trigger points may be unmasked as a result of treatment. In this case, the new trigger points may need to be injected and a new evaluation performed.

In case of migraines or daily persistent headaches related to intranasal pathology, a CT scan (computerized tomography) of the sinuses may also be needed.